
Saturday, November 26, 2005

Closer to TAKS Day

As we get closer to TAKS, inexperienced and veteran teachers alike begin to panic-- understandably so. Seems like every year more is at stake with how well students do on TAKS.

Here is a strategy that I like to use this time of year.

I start preparing my kids for TAKS the first week of school. They don't know I'm doing it; it's a natural progression of every lesson taught that leads up to success on the TAKS.

Here is the strategy. After the teacher reads the passage (story, article, etc.) {I like to have my students read every sentence aloud twice (1) improves comprehension while looking out for details, (2) helps with fluency} we look at every question whole group.

Before the question is answered, students are asked to identify the comprehension skill (text structure) needed to answer the question, i.e., cause/effect, summary, main idea, etc.

After the skill is identified we look at each answer choice. Students at this point know that one answer choice is absolutely absurd, another is a false fact, another sounds possible but isn't, and one is the answer.

When the two obvious choices are eliminated, we begin to prove our answer. We do this by going back to the passage and finding the paragraph. We find the answer and write the paragraph number next to the question.

You have to train the students to do this. It takes time and a lot of patience. That's why I begin early in the year. Yes, you will have your low group who is going to need more time and help; these are the 4 or 5 students you pull in your small group while the others are working on a passage alone.

When 95% of your students are able to do this on their own, without your help, you start given them passsages every day. Start with one, then two, three, and four. Yes, four: TAKS is an endurance test.

The first administration in February will have four passages (one they will throw out, but since we don't know which one, they have to do well on all of four.) The students must build stamina and this happens only through practice.

It's a marathon. You are their coach. Through teamwork you will all succeed.
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